Addressing Needs in Onalaska Schools
District Facilities Study
In 2022, the Onalaska Board of Education charged a community-led Facilities Task Force with considering the district’s facilities and working as a committee to develop a written report that details a solution, or a set of solutions, for the board to consider. The group was made up of community members from throughout the district’s attendance area.
The task force engaged in fulfilling its charge through a series of meetings from February through April 2022. The group was able to reach a consensus and a final report was created and presented to the Board of Education in May 2022.
The task force engaged in fulfilling its charge through a series of meetings from February through April 2022. The group was able to reach a consensus and a final report was created and presented to the Board of Education in May 2022.
Below you will find links and information related to this district-wide facilities study: